Dieta basada en plantes

Aliments procedents de plantes

Una dieta basada en plantes és una dieta que consisteix principalment o totalment en aliments d'origen vegetal.[1][2][3] Les dietes basades en plantes engloben una àmplia gamma de patrons dietètics que contenen quantitats baixes o nul·les de productes animals i grans quantitats de productes vegetals com ara verdures, fruites, cereals integrals, llegums, fruits secs i llavors.[4][5] No és indispensable que siguin vegans o vegetarians [6][7] però es defineixen en termes de baixa freqüència de consum d'aliments d'origen animal.[8][9]

  1. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 14, 5, 5-2017, pàg. 315. DOI: 10.11909/j.issn.1671-5411.2017.05.008. PMC: 5466934. PMID: 28630607. «A plant-based diet consists of all minimally processed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, herbs, and spices and excludes all animal products, including red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.»
  2. «Vegetarianism: The basic facts». Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 01-10-2018. [Consulta: 21 abril 2019].
  3. «Plant-based diet». British Dietetic Association, 01-09-2017.
  4. Advances in Nutrition, 10, Suppl_4, 11-2019, pàg. S275–S283. DOI: 10.1093/advances/nmy117. PMC: 6855934. PMID: 31728495 [Consulta: free]. «The term “plant-based diets” encompasses a wide range of dietary patterns that contain lower amounts of animal products and higher amounts of plant products such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds...»
  5. «PLANT-BASED English Definition and Meaning |» (en anglès). Lexico Dictionaries | English. Arxivat de l'original el 17 setembre 2021. [Consulta: 11 febrer 2022].
  6. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 21, 5, 3-2019, pàg. 18. DOI: 10.1007/s11883-019-0779-5. PMID: 30895476. «Contrary to popular belief, plant-based diets do not have to be vegan or vegetarian.»
  7. «What is a plant-based diet and why should you try it?» (en anglès). Harvard Health, 26-09-2018. [Consulta: 11 febrer 2022].
  8. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 28, 7, 10-2018, pàg. 437–441. DOI: 10.1016/j.tcm.2018.02.004. PMC: 6089671. PMID: 29496410. «Plant-based diets, defined in terms of low frequency of animal food consumption, have been increasingly recommended for their health benefits.»
  9. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 21, 5, 3-2019, pàg. 18. DOI: 10.1007/s11883-019-0779-5. PMID: 30895476. «Many previous studies have defined plant-based diets by the complete exclusion of meat or animal products, while others have accounted for plant-based diets including moderate amounts of animal-source foods.»