Соглашение между Союзом Советских Социалистических Республик и Китайской Народной Республикой о советско-китайской государственной границе на её Восточной части
Созишнома байни Иттиҳоди Ҷумҳуриҳои Шӯравии Сотсиалистӣ ва Ҷумҳурии Мардумии Чин дар бораи сарҳади давлатӣ Сино шӯравӣ оид ба қисми шарқии он
The 1991 Sino–Soviet Border Agreement was a treaty signed between China and the Soviet Union on May 16, 1991. It set up demarcation work to resolve most of the border disputes between the two states. Initially signed by China and the Soviet Union, the terms of the agreement were resumed by Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The treaty resulted in some minor territorial changes along the border.