8th millennium BC

  • 80th century BC
  • 79th century BC
  • 78th century BC
  • 77th century BC
  • 76th century BC
  • 75th century BC
  • 74th century BC
  • 73rd century BC
  • 72nd century BC
  • 71st century BC

The south area of Çatalhöyük. An archaeological dig is in progress.
Area of the Fertile Crescent, circa 7500 BC, with main sites.

The 8th millennium BC spanned the years 8000 BC to 7001 BC (c. 10 ka to c. 9 ka). In chronological terms, it is the second full millennium of the current Holocene epoch and is entirely within the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) phase of the Early Neolithic. It is impossible to precisely date events that happened around the time of this millennium and all dates mentioned here are estimates mostly based on geological and anthropological analysis, or by radiometric dating.