Abdi Garad

Abdi Garad
Cabdi Garaad
Somali, Arabic, English
Islam (Sunni)
Related ethnic groups
Farah Garad, Mohamoud Garad, Abdigarad and other Darod groups

Qayaad (Somali: Khayr Cabdi Garaad and Cumar Cabdi Garaad) Full Name: ’Abdi Shirshore Habarwa Abdullah Muse Said Saleh Abdi Mohamed Abdirahman bin Isma'il al-Jabarti is a sub-clan that is part of the Dulbahante clan-family.

The nickname "Qayaad" was supposedly the name of a Gaal(non Muslim chief) who formerly controlled the clan's territory and whom the clan's forefather killed in battle.[1] They are locally regarded as fearless warriors.

Prominent Somalis from this clan include Business Men Mohamed H. Ismail and Mohamed M. Khaawi, former Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Minister of Justice of Puntland Ismail Mohamed Warsame (Ismail Uule), Navy Officer and Former Minister of Ports and Fishery of Puntland Mohamed Isse Lacle, Mohamed Abdi Hashi the former President Puntland, Garaad Mukhtaar Garaad Cali, Suldaan Mohamoud H. Ismail, Chief Caaqil Mohamed Saleebaan Shabbac(Afwaranle), Chief Caaqil Hasan Chief Caaqil Mohamed (Hasan Dhuutay), Mohamed Samakab (Ganaje), Mohamoud Diriye Abdi Joof and Ahmed Gacmayare, Daakir kadoon cisman cali waraabe. and many others

  1. ^ Cox, P. Z. Capt; Abud, H. M. Maj (1896). Genealogies of the Somal, including those of the Aysa and Gadabursi. Eyre and Spottiswoode (London).