
In accounting and finance, an accrual is an asset or liability that represents revenue or expenses that are receivable or payable but which have not yet been paid.

In accrual accounting, the term accrued revenue refers to income that is recognized at the time a company delivers a service or good, even though the company has not yet been paid. Likewise, the term accrued expense refers to liabilities that are recognized when a company receives services or goods, even though the company has not yet paid the provider.

Accrued revenue is often recognised as income on an income statement and represented as an accounts receivable on the balance sheet. When the company is paid, the income statement remains unchanged, although the accounts receivable is adjusted and the cash account increased on the balance sheet. On the other hand, an accrued expense is recognised as an expense on the income statement and represented as a liability on the balance sheet. Once payment is made, the income statement remains unaffected, while the accounts payable is adjusted and the cash account reduced on the balance sheet.

In finance, accrual often refers to the accumulation of interest or investment income over a period of time, though the interest or income has yet to be paid.