Adjustable grip hitch

Adjustable grip hitch
NamesAdjustable grip hitch, Adjustable loop, Adjustable hitch, Adjustable bend, Adjustable Cawley Hitch, Cawley Hitch
RelatedTaut-line hitch, Farrimond friction hitch
Typical useKeep a rope taut

The adjustable grip hitch is a simple and useful friction hitch which may easily be shifted up and down the rope while slack. It will hold fast when loaded, but slip when shock loaded until tension is relieved enough for it to again hold fast. It serves the same purpose as the taut-line hitch, e.g. tensioning a tent's guy line.

This knot is also called the adjustable loop[1] and Cawley adjustable hitch. It was conceived 1982 by Canadian climber Robert Chisnall.[2]

  1. ^ Budworth, Geoffrey (2003). The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots & Ropework. Hermes House. ISBN 978-1-84309-138-7.
  2. ^ Budworth, Geoffrey (1997). The Complete Book of Knots. The Lyons Press. p. 95. ISBN 1-55821-632-4.