The Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology (ACUA) serves as an international advisory body on issues relating to underwater archaeology, conservation, and submerged cultural resources management. It works to educate scholars, governments, sport divers, and the public about underwater archaeology and the preservation of underwater cultural heritage. The ACUA[1] is an independent, non-profit organization closely affiliated with the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA). The ACUA helps the SHA Conference Committee to organize the annual SHA Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology and provides continuing education through workshops and panel discussions.
The ACUA website, blog, and social media platforms provide a forum for discussion and information sharing related to underwater and maritime archaeology to encourage the responsible stewardship, preservation, and protection of underwater and maritime cultural heritage. In 2013 the ACUA was recognized as an NGO by UNESCO. It actively participates in the meetings of the UNESCO Scientific and Technical Advisory Body (STAB) on the promotion of the Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.