Aharon Roth

Aharon Roth

Aharon Roth or Aaron Rote (Hebrew: אהרן ראטה) known as Reb Arele[1] (1894−1947[2]), was a Hungarian Hasidic rebbe and Talmudic scholar. He first established a Hasidic community he called Shomer Emunim (Guardian of Faith) in the 1920s in Satu Mare and in the 1930s in Berehovo, before he settled in Jerusalem, where he also founded a Hasidic community of the same name. His main work is the two-volume Shomer Emunim, written in 1942 in reaction to the news about the Nazi atrocities in Eastern Europe.

After his death, the sect split into two groups. One, who adopted the name Shomrei Emunim, followed his son, Rabbi Avrohom Chayim (1924 - 2012), the other followed his son-in-law and became known as Toldot Aharon (Generations of Aharon) of which the Toldot Avrohom Yitzchok later split off.

  1. ^ Cohen, Jack (2000). Major philosophers of Jewish prayer in the twentieth century. Fordham Univ Press. pp. 80–95. ISBN 0-8232-1957-7.
  2. ^ Some sources have 1944 or 1946 as year of his death.