
Akinci-Beys, Sueleymanname

Akinji or akindji (Ottoman Turkish: آقنجى, romanizedaḳıncı, lit.'raider', IPA: [akɯnˈdʒɯ]; plural: akıncılar) were irregular light cavalry, scout divisions (deli) and advance troops of the Ottoman Empire's military. When the pre-existing Turkish ghazis were incorporated into the Ottoman Empire's military they became known as "akıncı." Unpaid, they lived and operated as raiders on the frontiers of the Ottoman Empire, subsisting on plunder. In German sources these troops were called Renner und Brenner (English: "Runner and burner").[1] There is a distinction made between "akıncı" and "deli" cavalry.

  1. ^ Moačanin, Nenad. "Matica hrvatska - Hrvatska revija 2, 2015. - Croato-Turcica: pregled povijesne interakcije Globalni okvir". www.matica.hr. Retrieved 2023-03-10. Nositelji provala bili su uglavnom tzv. akindžije (tur. Akıncılar, »haratelji«, od akın, »bujica«; u njemačkim izvorima »Renner und Brenner«).