Al-Wishah fi Fawa'id al-Nikah

Pages from MS. Arabe 3066 with extensive marginal notes.

Al-Wishāḥ fī Fawāʾid al-Nikāḥ (Arabic: الوشاح فی فوائد النکاح, The Sash on the Merits of Wedlock) is an Arabic literary work of sexology and sex education written by the Egyptian Muslim scholar Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti in the late 15th century. It has been called the apex of its genre of Islamically based sex and marriage manuals in Arabic, a form of literature that originated in 10th-century Baghdad. The work is one of a number of such works written by Al-Suyuti dealing with sex, the others including Nawāḍir al-Ayk fī Maʻrifat al-Nayk, Nuzhat al-Mutaʾammil, and Shaqāʾiq al-Utrunj fī Raqāʾiq al-Ghunj.