Alex Wright (author)

Alex Wright is an American writer and Information Architect. He is the author of two books: Cataloging the World: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age (2014) and Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages (2007). Wright is also a professor at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and head of User Experience research at Etsy.[1] Many of his writings examine the current state of information transmission and organization through a historical, scientific, or cultural context.[2][3]

  1. ^ "SVA Interaction Design Faculty". SVA NYC. Retrieved 2 April 2016.
  2. ^ Gary Anthes. "Q&A with Alex Wright". Computerworld. Retrieved 2 April 2016.
  3. ^ "Paul Otlet, Google, Wikipedia, and cataloging the world". Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2 April 2016.