Ambrosia (Hyades)

Lycurgue about to hit Ambrosia who transform into a vine, greek mosaic from Delos, end of the IId before. J.-C.[1]

In Greek mythology, Ambrosia was one of the three or five Hyades. She was the sister of Aesyle (Phaesyle) and Eudora,[2] and Coronis and Polyxo.

  1. ^ For more, see Nonnus, Dionysiaca 21.1-68. For a detailed study of this mosaic, see Claude Vatin and Philippe Bruneau, «Lycurgue et Ambroisie sur une nouvelle mosaïque de Délos», in Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 1966, vol. 90, 90-2, p. 391-427 See online.
  2. ^ Eustathius on Homer's Iliad 1156