Angelo Sabino

Angelo Sabino or in Latin Angelus Sabinus (fl. 1460s–1470s) was an Italian Renaissance humanist, poet laureate, classical philologist, Ovidian impersonator, and putative rogue.

Sabino's real name was probably Angelo Sani di Cure, with the toponymic indicating that he was from Cure or Curi (ancient Cures), in formerly Sabine territory, hence his Latin appellation Sabinus.[1] He wrote under a multitude of pen names, including Aulus Sabinus when he impersonated the Sabinus who was Ovid's friend, and Angelus Gnaeus Quirinus Sabinus,[2] an allusion to Quirinus as an originally Sabine god of war in ancient Rome.

  1. ^ Andrea Corsini, Sabina sagra e profana, antica e moderna (Rome, 1790), p. 143 online.
  2. ^ Egmont Lee, Sixtus IV and Men of Letters (Rome 1978), p. 187.