Anund Uppsale

Anund Uppsale
Legendary king of Sweden
IssueErik Anundsson
HouseHouse of Munsö
FatherErik Björnsson

Anund Uppsale or Anoundus, 'Anund of Uppsala', (Old Norse: Önundr Uppsali), a son of Erik Björnsson of the House of Munsö, ruled Sweden together with his brother Björn at Haugi, according to Hervarar saga. He is called Uppsale because he stayed at Old Upsala, the era's religious centre. He and Björn are sometimes identified with similarly-named kings mentioned in Rimbert's Vita Ansgari and by Adam of Bremen.[1]

  1. ^ Adam av Bremen (1984) Historien om Hamburgstiftet och dess biskopar. Stockholm: Proprius, p. 60 (Book I, Chapter 61).