Architectonic and catoptric tessellation

The 13 architectonic or catoptric tessellations, shown as uniform cell centers, and catoptric cells, arranged as multiples of the smallest cell on top.

In geometry, John Horton Conway defines architectonic and catoptric tessellations as the uniform tessellations (or honeycombs) of Euclidean 3-space with prime space groups and their duals, as three-dimensional analogue of the Platonic, Archimedean, and Catalan tiling of the plane. The singular vertex figure of an architectonic tessellation is the dual of the cell of the corresponding catoptric tessellation, and vice versa. The cubille is the only Platonic (regular) tessellation of 3-space, and is self-dual. There are other uniform honeycombs constructed as gyrations or prismatic stacks (and their duals) which are excluded from these categories.