Arcturians (New Age)

The star Arcturus

According to the beliefs of certain New Age movements, Arcturians are a very advanced extraterrestrial civilization from the Arcturus star system who wish to share their knowledge and wisdom with the citizens of Earth. They are described as other-dimensional, advanced star beings.[1] Arcturians are said to be loving and peaceful beings who are willing to communicate and work with any soul that wishes to travel with them to a higher level of consciousness.[2]

Currently, they would guard the Earth, help healing the planet and raise its vibrational energy.[3] Emotional, mental, physical and spiritual transformation would be among their primary goals.[4] Arcturians would regularly incarnate on Earth and would have been involved in Earth's evolution.[5]

In addition to the Arcturian community, there are said to be similar communities on Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Pleiades, Lyra and Antares.[6]

  1. ^ "Arcturian Starseeds". Awakening Worldwide (in Dutch).
  2. ^ Wayne D. Brewer (2012). How Arcturians Are Healing Planet Earth. Wayne Brewer. ISBN 9780985613303.
  3. ^ Norma J. Milanovich (1990). We, the Arcturians. Athena Publishing. ISBN 9780962741708.
  4. ^ Patricia Pereira (1996). Songs of the Arcturians. Beyond Words Publishing. ISBN 9781885223432.
  5. ^ David K. Miller (2013). Arcturians: How to Heal, Ascend, and Help Planet Earth. Light Technology Publishing. ISBN 9781622330027.
  6. ^ Patricia Grootjans (2022). Starseeds Messages: Oracle Cards Pocket Guide. Kinsha Books. ISBN 9798831968248.