Arkivet (Kristiansand)

The archival building (c. 1969)

Arkivet (meaning the Archive) is the established name of Vesterveien 4 in Kristiansand, Norway. The building was constructed in 1935 for the Archival Services in Kristiansand, and in the periods 1935–1940 and 1945–1997 used by this institution. Nevertheless, the building is known as the headquarters of the Gestapo in southern Norway in the period 1942–1945. The building is owned and operated by the foundation Stiftelsen Arkivet. Arikivet is located in the residential area of Bellevue overlooking the western harbor of Kristiansand. The building in the functionalist style was completed in 1935, and was 8 March of that year officially adopted by the local department of the National Archives.

From museum exhibition in the basement from the time when the building was Gestapo headquarters, here from SS-Hauptsturmführer Rudolf Kerner's office