Arrivederci Roma

"Arrivederci Roma"
English title"Goodbye Rome"
Composer(s)Renato Rascel

"Arrivederci Roma" (English: "Goodbye, Rome") is the title and refrain of a popular Italian song, composed in 1955 by Renato Rascel, with lyrics by Pietro Garinei and Sandro Giovannini [it]. It was published in 1957 as part of the soundtrack of the Italo-American musical film with the same title, released as Seven Hills of Rome in English.[1] In the movie, the song is sung by the leading character, played by the American singer and actor Mario Lanza. Carl Sigman wrote the lyrics for the English-language version of the movie.

Another version of the song, with the same melody but a new set of English lyrics by Jack Fishman, was published in 1955 with the title "Arrivederci Darling". Both versions of the song, in Italian and English, enjoyed lasting and widespread success in the following years.

  1. ^ "Seven Hills of Rome (1957)". IMDb.