Assembly (programming)

In computer programming an assembly is a runtime unit consisting of types and other resources. All types in an assembly have the same version number.

Often, one assembly has only one namespace and is used by one program. But it can span over several namespaces. Also, one namespace can spread over several assemblies. In large designs, an assembly may consist of multiple files that are held together by a manifest (i.e. a table of contents).

In C#, an assembly is the smallest deployment unit used, and is a component in .NET. In Java, it is a JAR file.[1]

  1. ^ Mössenböck, Hanspeter (2002-03-25). "Advanced C#: Variable Number of Parameters" (PDF). Institut für Systemsoftware, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Fachbereich Informatik. p. 37. Retrieved 2011-08-05.