Attic War

In Greek mythology, the Attic War was the conflict between the Amazons, a race of women warriors led by the Amazon queen Penthesilea, and the Athenians, led by Theseus or Heracles. The war lasted 4 months and concluded with a peace treaty in Horeomosium, near the temple of Theseus.

Depending on the version of the myth, the Amazons fought to free either Antiope or her sister Hippolyta from captivity after her abduction at the hands of a Greek hero, or to simply fight against Troy. Another version states Antiope waged war on Theseus to avenge him marrying Phaedra.

In some myths, Hippolyta was killed during the ninth labor when Heracles attempted to obtain her girdle peacefully until the Amazons attacked him, and Theseus, who had joined Hercules during his expedition, abducted Hippolyta's sister Antiope, who was an Amazon that Theseus married in a separate myth.[1]

  1. ^ Kuiper, Kathleen. "Amazon". Britannica. Retrieved 5 December 2023.