Audio game

An audio game is an electronic game played on a device such as a personal computer. It is similar to a video game save that there is audible and tactile feedback but not visual.

Audio games originally started out as 'blind accessible'-games and were developed mostly by amateurs and blind programmers.[1] But more and more people are showing interest in audio games, ranging from sound artists, game accessibility researchers, mobile game developers and mainstream video gamers. Most audio games run on a personal computer platform, although there are a few audio games for handhelds and video game consoles. Audio games feature the same variety of genres as video games, such as adventure games, racing games, etc.[2]

  1. ^ Rovithis, Emmanouel (2012). "A Classification of Audio-Based Games in terms of Sonic Gameplay and the introduction of the Audio-Role-Playing-Game: Kronos". Proceedings of the 7th Audio Mostly Conference: A Conference on Interaction with Sound. Corfu, Greece: ACM New York, NY, USA. pp. 160–164. doi:10.1145/2371456.2371483.
  2. ^ Rovithis, Emmanouel; Floros, Andreas; Mniestris, Andreas; Grigoriou, Nikolas (2014). "Audio games as educational tools: Design principles and examples". 2014 IEEE Games Media Entertainment. Toronto, ON: IEEE. pp. 1–8. doi:10.1109/GEM.2014.7048083. ISBN 978-1-4799-7545-7. S2CID 28804427.