Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme

The Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) is an international commercial and occupational diver certification scheme. It has mutual recognition arrangements with other equivalent national schemes. ADAS qualifications have international recognition.

The original Australian and New Zealand (NZ) national occupational diver certification scheme was developed by the Australian government as a not-for-profit accreditation and certification scheme. It is administered on a cost-recovery basis by the ADAS Board under the direction of the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

Training is provided by Accredited Training Establishments (ATEs) which are required to operate at the level of international best practice as defined by ADAS.

The scheme provides the following services:

  • developing training courses to meet industry needs
  • certification of divers
  • accreditation of training establishments
  • national and international lobbying for the improved safety of divers
  • promoting the mobility of ADAS licence holders around the world.