Avodah Zarah

Avodah Zarah (Hebrew: עבודה זרה‎, or "foreign worship", meaning "idolatry" or "strange service") is the name of a tractate of the Talmud, located in Nezikin, the fourth Order of the Talmud dealing with damages. The main topic of the tractate is laws pertaining to Jews living amongst Gentiles, including regulations about the interaction between Jews and "avodei ha kochavim", which literally interpreted is "Worshipers of the stars", but is most often translated as "idolaters", "pagans", or "heathen."

Avodah Zarah
Saturnalia (1783) by Antoine Callet, showing his interpretation of ancient pagan holiday.
Tractate of the Talmud
Number of Mishnahs:40
Babylonian Talmud pages:76
Jerusalem Talmud pages:37
Tosefta chapters:9