Barack Obama assassination plot in Tennessee

Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States and target of an alleged assassination plot during his candidacy

The Barack Obama assassination plot in Tennessee was a plot by Paul Schlesselman and Daniel Cowart to assassinate Barack Obama, who was then the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nominee. The two men—both Neo-Nazi white power skinheads—spoke of killing Obama during a planned murder spree of 88 African Americans in Tennessee (in reference to the Nazi slogan Heil Hitler), 14 of whom were to be beheaded (a reference to the Fourteen Words slogan), many of whom were young students at an unidentified, predominantly black school.

Schlesselman and Cowart were arrested on October 22, 2008, and found to be in possession of several weapons. The men told authorities of their planned assassination and killing spree, and said they intended to rob a weapon store to obtain additional weapons and commit home robberies to help fund the operation. Although the United States Secret Service said it was taking the plot seriously, authorities were unsure how capable Schlesselman and Cowart were of carrying out the alleged plot. Both plotters pleaded guilty to various federal charges; Judge J. Daniel Breen of the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee sentenced Schlesselman to 10 years imprisonment on April 15, 2010, and Cowart to 14 years in prison on October 22, 2010.