"Batman: Night of the Owls" is a comic book crossover storyline published by DC Comics in mid-2012, and featuring the Batman family of characters. Primarily written by Scott Snyder, the arc is the first major crossover storyline of The New 52.
The story pits the Batman and his allies against the Court of Owls organization as they attempt to cement their control over Gotham City, which they have been manipulating in secret for centuries.[1] As described by Nightwing writer Kyle Higgins, the series is the follow-up to Batman: Gates of Gotham and divulges more of the history of the city before the turn of the century.[2] The crossover has been described by writer Scott Snyder as the first story arc of a Batman trilogy that he was planning.[3] According to Snyder, in terms of internal chronology, the story arc takes place in a single night within his full Batman arc "The Court of Owls".[4]