Beatitude (magazine)

Cover of Beatitude issue number 2 by Walt Gray

Beatitude was a poetry magazine of the Beat Generation that was published in San Francisco between 1959 and sometime in the 1970s.[1] It was first conceived of by Allen Ginsberg, Bob Kaufman, and John Kelly (the publisher).

Beatitude was originally published in mimeograph at the Bread and Wine Mission on Grant Avenue in San Francisco's North Beach from 8.5" x 11" mimeographed sheets with an illustrated front cover on construction paper. It had no back cover and was stapled together. It originally sold for 20 or 30 cents an issue.[2]

The magazine included work by its legendary Beatnick founders and by Jack Kerouac, Diane Wakoski, Frank O'Hara, Ted Berrigan, Gertrude Stein, André Breton, Jess Collins, Michael McClure, Lenore Kandel, ruth weiss, Amiri Baraka, Tristan Tzara, Wallace Stevens, Julian Beck, Ron Padgett, Paul Bowles, Philip Lamantia, Gregory Corso, Marian Zazeela, Charles Bukowski, John Ashbery, Jack Smith, Antonin Artaud, Jackson Mac Low, William Carlos Williams, Gerard Malanga, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Francis Picabia, Taylor Mead, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti (among many many others).[3]

  1. ^ [1] Beatitude Issues at Digital Scholarship at Emory University
  2. ^ [2] Beatitude Website
  3. ^ [3] Beatitude contributors