Beer in Poland

Typical polish lager, called Piwo jasne lekkie
Various Polish beers on a supermarket shelf

Beer in Poland has been brewed for well over a thousand years and has a significant history of tradition and commercial beer production. Poland is Europe's third largest beer producer, producing 36.9 million hectolitres, coming after the United Kingdom with 49.5 million hl and neighboring Germany with 103 million hl.[1]

Following the Second World War, most breweries were nationalized by the Communist Government of the Polish People's Republic. After the collapse of communism and return to capitalism, the market economy returned, international beer companies moved in and a period of consolidation followed. Three companies now control 80% of the Polish beer market (according to data at the end of 2014). At the end of 2013, there were 97 breweries in Poland, including microbreweries and contracted breweries.

Beer from small regional breweries, grouped in the Association of Polish Regional Breweries (Stowarzyszenie Regionalnych Browarów Polskich), crafts, contracted breweries and brewpubs has become very popular and desired by consumers.

  1. ^ "Ernst & Young - Europe remains world's top beer producer according to Ernst & Young report". 2009-10-08. Archived from the original on 2012-11-30. Retrieved 2013-01-24.