Belle experiment

The Belle detector in Tsukuba Hall, KEK

The Belle experiment was a particle physics experiment conducted by the Belle Collaboration, an international collaboration of more than 400 physicists and engineers, at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The experiment ran from 1999 to 2010.[1]

The Belle detector was located at the collision point of the asymmetric-energy electronpositron collider, KEKB. Belle at KEKB together with the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II accelerator at SLAC were known as the B-factories as they collided electrons with positrons at the center-of-momentum energy equal to the mass of the
resonance which decays to pairs of B mesons.

The Belle detector was a hermetic multilayer particle detector with large solid angle coverage, vertex location with precision on the order of tens of micrometres (provided by a silicon vertex detector), good distinction between pions and kaons in the momenta range from 100 MeV/c to few GeV/c (provided by a Cherenkov detector), and a few-percent precision electromagnetic calorimeter (made of CsI(Tl) scintillating crystals).

The Belle II experiment is an upgrade of Belle that was approved in June 2010.[2] It is currently being commissioned,[3] and is anticipated to start operation in 2018.[4] Belle II is located at SuperKEKB (an upgraded KEKB accelerator) which is intended to provide a factor 40 larger integrated luminosity.[5]

  1. ^ Bevan, A. J.; Golob, B.; Mannel, Th; Prell, S.; Yabsley, B. D.; Aihara, H.; Anulli, F.; Arnaud, N.; Aushev, T. (2014-11-01). "The Physics of the B Factories". The European Physical Journal C. 74 (11): 3026. arXiv:1406.6311. Bibcode:2014EPJC...74.3026B. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3026-9. ISSN 1434-6044. S2CID 9063079.
  2. ^ "KEK:PRESS Release (KEKB upgrade plan has been approved)". 2010. Archived from the original on 2014-12-26.
  3. ^ "Belle II". Retrieved 2017-04-28.
  4. ^ "SuperKEKB". Retrieved 2017-04-30.
  5. ^ Abe, T.; Adachi, I.; Adamczyk, K.; Ahn, S.; Aihara, H.; Akai, K.; Aloi, M.; Andricek, L.; Aoki, K. (2010-11-01). "Belle II Technical Design Report". arXiv:1011.0352 [physics.ins-det].