Benin Altar Tusk

Benin Altar Tusks
Edo: Aken’ni Elao
Sample of a Benin Altar Tusk
Sample of a Benin Altar Tusk at Cleveland Museum of Art.
An altar decorated with Benin Altar Tusks, brass-crafted pedestals resembling a crowned head and other items.
Height156 centimetres (61 in)
Width13.3 centimetres (5.2 in)
Depth12 centimetres (4.7 in)
Weight25 kilograms (55 lb)
WritingCarved with registers of relief figures, animals and motifs.
CreatedCirca 16th century
DiscoveredBenin City, Edo State, Nigeria
Present location
CultureEdo, Benin Kingdom
Measurements are from the British Museum version; other versions have slightly different dimensions.

Benin Altar Tusks (Edo: Aken’ni Elao) are ivory artefacts from the Benin Kingdom in present-day Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. These tusks date back to the 16th century and measure approximately 61 inches (1,500 mm) in height, 5.2 inches (130 mm) in width, 4.7 inches (120 mm) in depth, and weighing 25 kilograms (55 lb) according to a sample at the British Museum. The tusks feature carved royal figures in traditional regalia, depicting scenes of power, ritual, and at times, conflict.

In the 16th century, the Benin Kingdom engaged in trade, including with the Dutch Republic. The lower portion of the tusks displays carved depictions of Portuguese figures from that era, later representing European traders. The tusks were maintained over the centuries, including washing, bleaching, and the application of "orhue", a white clay substance. In the late 19th century, the British punitive expedition resulted in the looting of artefacts, including several Benin Altar Tusks. These items were taken to Britain and are now housed in various museums and private collections in Europe. The tusks were created by the Igbesanmwan, a royal ivory carving guild in Benin City. Today, the Benin Altar Tusks are located in museums globally. Their presence has led to debates and calls for repatriation by Nigerian authorities and cultural organisations.