Bennett Juniper

South side of the Bennett Juniper
North side of the Bennett Juniper with a person for scale near the tree.

The Bennett Juniper is the largest known juniper tree in the United States.[1] It is located in Section 5, Township 5 North, Range 20 east of the Mount Diablo meridian,[2] on an inholding in the Stanislaus National Forest in Tuolumne County, California. The tree is owned by the Mother Lode Land Trust, a regional land trust organization.

  1. ^ "2010 National Register of Big Trees." American Forests. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
  2. ^ Topographical map of 5-5-20E from USGS, republished by Save the Redwoods League (October 7, 2008). The tree is just south of the center of section 5.