Business Source License

The Business Source License (SPDX id BUSL[1]) is a software license which publishes source code but limits the right to use the software to certain classes of users. The BUSL is not an open-source license,[1] but it is source-available license that also mandates an eventual transition to an open-source license. This characteristic has been described as a compromise between traditional proprietary licenses and open source.[2]

The originator of the BUSL is MariaDB Corporation AB, where it is used for the MaxScale product, not for the flagship MariaDB.[3]

  1. ^ a b "Business Source License 1.1". Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX). Linux Foundation. May 22, 2024. Retrieved June 13, 2024.
  2. ^ "Business Source License (BUSL): Requirements, Terms - FOSSA". Dependency Heaven. 2023-08-23. Retrieved 2023-10-20.
  3. ^ "Projects using BUSL 1.1". MariaDB. Retrieved 2023-10-20.