CEASE therapy

CEASE therapy
ClaimsIncorrect theories around the causes of autism; unevidenced and implausible treatments for autism
Related scientific disciplines
Original proponentsTinus Smits
(Overview of pseudoscientific concepts)

CEASE (Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression) therapy is a pseudoscientific practice used by naturopaths (particularly homeopaths) who claim that it can treat or even cure people with autism, claims which have been adjudicated by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority as "bogus".[1] It involves a mixture of supplements, high-dose vitamin C, 'orthomolecular support', dietary restrictions, and homeopathy. The therapy was developed by Dutch doctor Tinus Smits, who claimed to have used it to treat over 300 children with autism. It became more notable in 2017/2018 because of regulatory action taken by professional bodies in The Netherlands, UK, and Canada following a series of complaints about unfounded claims.

Smits in the book Autism Beyond Despair – CEASE Therapy stated that autistic children should never be vaccinated.[2]

  1. ^ Enforcement Notice: CEASE Therapy, Advertising Standards Authority
  2. ^ O'Donoghue, Paul. "Disturbing claims by homeopaths". The Irish Times. Retrieved 2019-02-05.