Cataclysmic variable star

A non-magnetic cataclysmic variable. A white dwarf accretes matter from its Roche lobe-filling companion.

In astronomy, cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) are stars which irregularly increase in brightness by a large factor, then drop back down to a quiescent state. They were initially called novae (from Latin 'new'), since ones with an outburst brightness visible to the naked eye and an invisible quiescent brightness appeared as new stars in the sky.

Cataclysmic variable stars are binary stars that consist of two components; a white dwarf primary, and a mass transferring secondary. The stars are so close to each other that the gravity of the white dwarf distorts the secondary, and the white dwarf accretes matter from the companion. Therefore, the secondary is often referred to as the donor star, and it is usually less massive than the primary.[1] The infalling matter, which is usually rich in hydrogen, forms in most cases an accretion disk around the white dwarf. Strong UV and X-ray emission is often detected from the accretion disc, powered by the loss of gravitational potential energy from the infalling material.[2] The shortest currently observed orbit in a hydrogen-rich system is 51 minutes in ZTF J1813+4251.[3]

Material at the inner edge of disc falls onto the surface of the white dwarf primary. A classical nova outburst occurs when the density and temperature at the bottom of the accumulated hydrogen layer rise high enough to ignite runaway hydrogen fusion reactions, which rapidly convert the hydrogen layer to helium. If the accretion process continues long enough to bring the white dwarf close to the Chandrasekhar limit, the increasing interior density may ignite runaway carbon fusion and trigger a Type Ia supernova explosion, which would completely destroy the white dwarf.

The accretion disc may be prone to an instability leading to dwarf nova outbursts, when the outer portion of the disc changes from a cool, dull mode to a hotter, brighter mode for a time, before reverting to the cool mode. Dwarf novae can recur on a timescale of days to decades.

  1. ^ Lavalle, Mimi; University, Louisiana State. "Binary star V Sagittae to explode as very bright nova by century's end". Retrieved 2024-07-14.
  2. ^ NASA (2017-12-11). "Introduction to Cataclysmic Variables (CVs)". Retrieved 2024-10-06.
  3. ^ "Astronomers Discover 'Cataclysmic' Star Pair, Confirming Decades-Old Prediction". CNET. Retrieved 2023-11-06.