Category:Bangladesh articles by importance

This category contains articles whose importance has been assessed by WikiProject Bangladesh. Articles are automatically placed in the appropriate sub-category when a rating is given; please see the assessment department for more information.

Status Template Meaning of Status
Top {{Top-Class}} This article is of the utmost importance to this project, as it forms the basis of all information.
High {{High-Class}} This article is fairly important to this project, as it covers a general area of knowledge.
Mid {{Mid-Class}} This article is relatively important to this project, as it fills in some more specific knowledge of certain areas.
Low {{Low-Class}} This article is of little importance to this project, but it covers a highly specific area of knowledge or an obscure piece of trivia.
None None This article is of unknown importance to this project. It remains to be analyzed.

See also: Bangladesh articles by quality -

 Top  High  Mid  Low  NA  ??? Total
 58  279  1,388  17,885  7,008 228  26,846