
Grain products
Halakhic texts relating to this article
Torah:Leviticus 23:14
Mishnah:Hallah 1:1, Orlah 3:9, Kiddushin 1:6, and Menahot 10:6–7
Babylonian Talmud:Menahot 68b, Kiddushin 37a-38a, Keritot 5a
Mishneh Torah:Maachalot Assurot 10:2
Shulchan Aruch:Yoreh De'ah 293
Other rabbinic codes:Sefer ha-Chinuch mitzvot 303–305

In Judaism, Chadash (Hebrew: חָדָשׁ, ḥāḏāsh, "new [grain]") is a concept within Kashrut (the Jewish dietary regulations), based on the Biblical requirement not to eat any grain of the new year (or products made from it) prior to the annual Omer offering on the 16th day of Nisan.[1]

Grain products which are no longer affected by this law are referred to as Yashan (Hebrew: יָשָׁן, yāshān, "old [grain]").