Metaphor: ReFantazio is a 2024 role-playing video game by Atlus, set in a fictional fantasy world. It centers on a protagonist who sets out on a quest to save a prince from a curse by defeating an aspirant for the throne called Louis Guiabern, accompanied by several allies from different tribes. His allies include the fairy Gallica, the clemar Strohl, the roussainte Hulkenberg, the ishika Neuras, the eugief Heismay, the nidia Junah, the mustari Eupha, and the paripus Basilio. He also receives assistance in the development of powers called Archetypes from an amnesiac named More, and can form relationships with these characters as well as others. In addition to these tribes, there are creatures such as humans who roam the land, their designs inspired by the imagery found in the work of Hieronymus Bosch. Each person belongs to a different tribe, including the elda, clemar, roussainte, rhoag, ishika, mustari, nidia, paripus, and eugief.
The story and characters were directed and created by Katsura Hashino, and the characters and Archetypes were mostly designed by Shigenori Soejima, both having previously worked on the Persona series. Hashino aspired to make a fantasy story, reading various fantasy stories to prepare himself, but wanted to ensure that his characters and world were not seen as copies of anything. Metaphor's cast has been generally well received, with multiple critics enjoying how the characters of different tribes were able to demonstrate different aspects of their society. The English localization was also praised, particularly in its authenticity to different regions of the United Kingdom. Criticism of the characters included Stephanie Liu of Siliconera suggesting that its racial allegory felt "forced," and critics wishing that there was more voice acting.