Charles Newton (inventor)

Charles Newton
Personal Info
Birth January 8, 1868, Delevan, New York
Death March 9, 1932(1932-03-09) (aged 64) New Haven, Connecticut
Company Info
Name Newton Arms Co. Inc.
Chas. Newton Rifle Co.
Buffalo Newton Rifle Co.
LeverBolt Rifle Co.
Foundation August 4, 1914, New York City
Fate 1918, Entered into receivership
Headquarters United States Buffalo, New York
Notable Weapons
Model 1914 Rifle Group
Model 1916 First Model
Model 1922 German Imports
Model 1924 Second Model
LeverBolt Rifle

Charles Newton (1868–1932) was an American lawyer and firearm enthusiast known for his experiments with cartridge design which led to the creation of the .22 Savage Hi-Power rifle cartridge which was adopted by the Savage Arms as a commercial firearm cartridge. This success was soon followed by the design of the .250-3000 Savage.

Charles also experimented with wildcats based on the .30-06 Springfield case, most notably creating a forerunner of the .25-06 Remington. This cartridge was first introduced as the .25 Newton Special. There were probably no firearms produced in this caliber by Netwon. It soon evolved into the .256 Newton designed to use, at first, a 123-grain bullet followed by later upgrades to 129-grain and 140-grain bullets. Newton's premise was to use a large case for each caliber he developed in order for the larger powder charge to propel the bullet at high velocity resulting in effective terminal ballistics.

Newton developed several calibers. The best known are the .22 Newton (90-grain bullet), .256 Newton, .30 Newton (180-grain bullet), .33 Newton (200-grain bullet), .35 Newton (250-grain bullet), and .40 Newton (300-grain bullet). From 1914 until the late 1920s, he entered into various endeavors to promote and sell rifles in his proprietary calibers.