Chorionic villus sampling

Chorionic villus sampling
Micrograph showing chorionic villi—the tissue that is collected in CVS. H&E stain.
Other namesCVS

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), sometimes called "chorionic villous sampling" (as "villous" is the adjectival form of the word "villus"),[1] is a form of prenatal diagnosis done to determine chromosomal or genetic disorders in the fetus. It entails sampling of the chorionic villus (placental tissue) and testing it for chromosomal abnormalities, usually with FISH or PCR. CVS usually takes place at 10–12 weeks' gestation, earlier than amniocentesis or percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling. It is the preferred technique before 15 weeks.[2]

CVS was performed for the first time in Milan by Italian biologist Giuseppe Simoni, scientific director of Biocell Center, in 1983.[3] Use as early as eight weeks in special circumstances has been described.[4] It can be performed in a transcervical or transabdominal manner.[2] Although this procedure is mostly associated with testing for Down syndrome, overall, CVS can detect more than 200 disorders.[5]

  1. ^ A PubMed search yields 168 papers using chorionic villous as of June 15, 2011.
  2. ^ a b Alfirevic, Z.; Sundberg, K.; Brigham, S. (2003). Alfirevic, Zarko (ed.). "Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling for prenatal diagnosis". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (3): CD003252. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003252. ISSN 1469-493X. PMC 4171981. PMID 12917956.
  3. ^ Brambati, B.; Simoni, G. (1983). "Diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21 in first trimester". The Lancet. 1 (8324): 586. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(83)92831-3. PMID 6131275. S2CID 42553451.
  4. ^ Wapner, Ronald J.; Evans, Mark I.; Davis, George; Weinblatt, Vivian; Moyer, Sue; Krivchenia, Eric L.; Jackson, Laird G. (2002). "Procedural risks versus theology: Chorionic villus sampling for Orthodox Jews at less than 8 weeks' gestation". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 186 (6): 1133–6. doi:10.1067/mob.2002.122983. PMID 12066086.
  5. ^ MedlinePlus Encyclopedia: Chorionic villus sampling