Christians for Biblical Equality

Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) is an organization that promotes Christian egalitarianism and is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. CBE's Mission Statement reads: "CBE exists to promote biblical justice and community by educating Christians that the Bible calls women and men to share authority equally in service and leadership in the home, church, and world."[1] According to its website, CBE "is a nonprofit organization of Christian men and women who believe that the Bible, properly interpreted, teaches the fundamental equality of men and women of all ethnic groups, all economic classes, and all age groups, based on the teachings of Scriptures such as Galatians 3:28: 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus' (NIV 2011)."[1]

CBE believes that ordination for eldership and teaching roles in church services are not just for men but women can also be equally ordained as pastors and elders.

CBE exists to broadly communicate " that all believers – without regard to gender, ethnicity or class – must exercise their God-given gifts with equal authority and equal responsibility in church, home and world." CBE has grown to include members from over 100 denominations and 65 countries.[2]

  1. ^ a b Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) Retrieved on 2018-02-25.
  2. ^ Our Mission and History Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) Archived 2011-06-14 at the Wayback Machine. (1988-01-02). Retrieved on 2011-02-15.