Clipper route

The clipper route, followed by ships sailing between Europe and Australia or New Zealand
In the Age of Sail, the Brouwer Route reduced the time of a voyage from The Netherlands to the Dutch East Indies from almost 12 months to about six months.

The clipper route was derived from the Brouwer Route and was sailed by clipper ships between Europe and the Far East, Australia and New Zealand. The route, devised by the Dutch navigator Hendrik Brouwer in 1611, reduced the time of a voyage between The Netherlands and Java, in the Dutch East Indies, from almost 12 months to about six months, compared to the previous Arab and Portuguese monsoon route.

The clipper route ran from west to east through the Southern Ocean, making use of the consistently strong westerly winds called the Roaring Forties. Many ships and sailors were lost in the heavy conditions along the route, particularly at Cape Horn, which the clippers had to round on their return to Europe.

The clipper route fell into commercial disuse with the introduction of marine steam engines, and the opening of the Suez and Panama Canals. It remains the fastest sailing route around the world, and has been the route for several prominent yacht races, such as the Velux 5 Oceans Race and the Vendée Globe.