Codex Basilensis A. N. III. 12

Uncial 07
New Testament manuscript
Table of contents to the Gospel of Matthew
Table of contents to the Gospel of Matthew
NameCodex Basilensis
Date8th century
Now atBasel University Library
Size23 × 16.5 cm (9.1 × 6.5 in)
TypeByzantine text-type
Handcarefully written
Notemember of Family E

Codex Basilensis is a Greek uncial manuscript of the four Gospels written on parchment. It is designated by Ee or 07 in the Gregory-Aland numbering of New Testament manuscripts, and ε55 in the von Soden numbering of New Testament manuscripts. Using the study of comparative writing styles (palaeography), it has been dated to the 8th century.

The manuscript contains marginal notes, was adapted for liturgical reading, and contains some missing portions. Three leaves of the codex were overwritten by a later hand; these leaves are considered palimpsests. Though it was available for Erasmus for his edition of the first published printed New Testament, he never consulted it.