Colombian Civil War of 1876

Colombian Civil War of 1876-1877
(guerra civil colombiana de 1876-1877)
Part of the Colombian Civil Wars

conservative guerrillas
DateJuly 9, 1876 - May 25, 1877
Result liberal government victory
United States of Colombia
Commanders and leaders
Aquileo Parra
César Conto
Julián Trujillo
Santos Acosta
Sergio Camargo
Tomás Rengifo
Fernando Ponce
Joaquín Reyes
Daniel Aldana
Rafael Uribe Uribe
Recaredo de Villa
Antonio Basilio Cuervo
Sergio Arboleda
Miguel Arroyo Hurtado
Joaquín María Córdova
Marceliano Vélez
Leonardo Canal González
Manuel Briceño
Manuel Casablanca
Felipe Farias
Alejandro Posada
Francisco de Paula Madriñan
Units involved
source can vary between 30,000-25,000-24,000 government troops source can vary between 20,000-16,000 conservatives
between 1,000-10,000 dead

The Colombian Civil War of 1876 (also called War of the Schools) was a civil war in the United States of Colombia (present-day Colombia) that went on from 1876 to 1877. The causes of the war date back to approximately 1870, when members of the Colombian Liberal Party led by Eustorgio Salgar attempted to introduce public education for the Colombian states, while the Colombian Conservative Party advocated for putting education solely under the control of the Roman Catholic church.[1]