Communist bandit

"Eliminate the Extremely Evil Communist Bandits" slogan on Lyudao, in 1950s Taiwan.

"Communist bandit" (Chinese: 共匪; pinyin: gòngfěi) is an anti-communist epithet directed at members of the Chinese Communist Party. The term originated from the Nationalist Government in 1927. Nowadays outside mainland China, some Chinese people use the term "中共" (literally "Chinese Communist") to refer to Communist China or the Chinese Communist Party. It could also be translated to the English term "commie".[1][2]

  1. ^ 陳茂雄. 馬英九不該過度依賴中共. 蘋果日報. 2008年12月25日.
  2. ^ 钟声. 中共十八大是读懂当代中国的新契机 Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine. 人民日报. 2012年10月11日.