Constant-recursive sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is constant-recursive: each element of the sequence is the sum of the previous two.
Hasse diagram of some subclasses of constant-recursive sequences, ordered by inclusion

In mathematics, an infinite sequence of numbers is called constant-recursive if it satisfies an equation of the form

for all , where are constants. The equation is called a linear recurrence relation. The concept is also known as a linear recurrence sequence, linear-recursive sequence, linear-recurrent sequence, or a C-finite sequence.[1]

For example, the Fibonacci sequence


is constant-recursive because it satisfies the linear recurrence : each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two.[2] Other examples include the power of two sequence , where each number is the sum of twice the previous number, and the square number sequence . All arithmetic progressions, all geometric progressions, and all polynomials are constant-recursive. However, not all sequences are constant-recursive; for example, the factorial sequence is not constant-recursive.

Constant-recursive sequences are studied in combinatorics and the theory of finite differences. They also arise in algebraic number theory, due to the relation of the sequence to polynomial roots; in the analysis of algorithms, as the running time of simple recursive functions; and in the theory of formal languages, where they count strings up to a given length in a regular language. Constant-recursive sequences are closed under important mathematical operations such as term-wise addition, term-wise multiplication, and Cauchy product.

The Skolem–Mahler–Lech theorem states that the zeros of a constant-recursive sequence have a regularly repeating (eventually periodic) form. The Skolem problem, which asks for an algorithm to determine whether a linear recurrence has at least one zero, is an unsolved problem in mathematics.