Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689

Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689
Part of the Russo-Turkish War (1686–1700)

An artist's impression of Russian troops returning from their failed Crimean campaign.
Date1687 and 1689
  • Ottoman–Crimean Khanate
  • Crimean Khanate retained independence[4][5]
  • Ottoman expansion in Europe halted[5]
  • End of the alliance between the Crimean Khanate, France and Imre Thököly[5]

Ottoman Empire

Russia Tsardom of Russia

Commanders and leaders
Selim I Giray
Suleiman II
1st campaign:
Vasily Golitsyn
Ivan Samoilovich
Grigory Romodanovsky
2nd campaign:
Vasily Golitsyn[6]
V. D. Dolgorukov (Dolgoruky)
M. G. Romodanovsky[7]
Ivan Mazepa
30,000–40,000[8] 1687: 140,000 men
1689: 112,000 men, 350 guns
Casualties and losses
Unknown 1687: 20,000 dead and sick[9]
1689: 50,000 dead, wounded and sick
all guns lost[9]

The Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689 (Russian: Крымские походы, Krymskiye pokhody) were two military campaigns of the Tsardom of Russia against the Crimean Khanate. They were a part of the Russo-Turkish War (1686–1700) and Russo-Crimean Wars. These were the first Russian forces to come close to Crimea since 1569. They failed due to poor planning and the practical problem of moving such a large force across the steppe but nonetheless played a key role in halting the Ottoman expansion in Europe. The campaigns came as a surprise for the Ottoman leadership, spoiled its plans to invade Poland and Hungary and forced it to move significant forces from Europe to the east, which greatly helped the League in its struggle against the Ottomans.[5]

Having signed the Eternal Peace Treaty with Poland in 1686, Russia became a member of the anti-Turkish coalition ("Holy League" — Austria, the Republic of Venice and Poland), which was pushing the Turks south after their failure at Vienna in 1683 (the major result of this war was the conquest by Austria of most of Hungary from Turkish rule). Russia's role in 1687 was to send a force south to Perekop to bottle up the Crimeans inside their peninsula.

  1. ^ Устрялов Н.Г. «История царствования Петра Великого». — Т. 1—3. — СПб., 1858
  2. ^ Lindsey Hughes, Sophia, Regent of Russia: 1657 - 1704, (Yale University Press, 1990), 206.
  3. ^ Генрих Антонович Леер. Обзор войн России от Петра. Великого до наших дней. Часть I. Издание второе. Москва
  4. ^ Lindsey Hughes, Sophia, Regent of Russia: 1657 - 1704, (Yale University Press, 1990), 206.
  5. ^ a b c d Бабушкина Г.К. Международное значение крымских походов 1687 и 1689 гг. // Исторические записки, Т. 33. М., 1950
  6. ^ Lindsey Hughes, Sophia, Regent of Russia: 1657 - 1704, 206.
  7. ^ The Politics of Command in the Army of Peter the Great, Paul Bushkovitch, Reforming the Tsar's Army: Military Innovation in Imperial Russia from Peter the Great to the Revolution, ed. David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, Bruce W. Menning, (Cambridge University Press, 2004), 258.
  8. ^ Gregory L. Freeze,a Russia History;, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 85.
  9. ^ a b Брикнер А. Г. История Петра Великого: В 5-ти частях Изд. А.С. Суворина С.-Пб.: Тип. А. С. Суворина, 1882-1883