Cypriot nationalism

Cypriot nationalism, also known as Cypriotism, refers to one of the nationalisms of Cyprus. It focuses on the shared identity of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots regarding their "Cypriotness", highlighting their common Cypriot culture, heritage, traditions, and economic, political, and social rights.[1] Cypriot nationalism supports the peaceful reunification of Cyprus and the end of interference of external powers in its domestic affairs. Some Cypriotists advocate a confederal or federal state, while others express a preference for a unitary state instead.[2] Cypriot nationalists consider Cypriots as one nationality and even ethnicity, referring to linguistic distinction between Cypriots as "Greek"-speaking Cypriots and "Turkish"-speaking Cypriots, rather than two separate ethnic groups.

On the level of practical politics, Cypriotism is generally associated with the Left, both in Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot politics. The most important political parties supporting a Cypriot nationalist agenda are the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) among Greek Cypriots and the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) among Turkish Cypriots. Not all leftists advocate Cypriotism; for example, the Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK) combines a left-wing economic agenda with a Greek Cypriot nationalist approach to the Cyprus problem. Cypriotism is further officially supported by the Union of Cypriots.[3] There are also civil society activists and smaller liberal groups that also hold Cypriotist positions, although their political influence remains arguably limited.

  1. ^ Colin Hay; Anand Menon (18 January 2007). European Politics. OUP Oxford. p. 125. ISBN 978-0-19-928428-3.
  2. ^ Kent, Holly (2 October 2018). "Cyprus: Options for a Solution". International Policy Digest. South Korea. ISSN 2332-9416. Archived from the original on 2 October 2018. Retrieved 5 October 2018.
  3. ^ Kerekes, Klaudia (30 October 2019). "Prospects for Cypriot Unity". Policy Network. Archived from the original on 30 October 2019. Retrieved 31 October 2019.