Data at rest

Data at rest in information technology means data that is housed physically on computer data storage in any digital form (e.g. cloud storage, file hosting services, databases, data warehouses, spreadsheets, archives, tapes, off-site or cloud backups, mobile devices etc.). Data at rest includes both structured and unstructured data.[1] This type of data is subject to threats from hackers and other malicious threats to gain access to the data digitally or physical theft of the data storage media. To prevent this data from being accessed, modified or stolen, organizations will often employ security protection measures such as password protection, data encryption, or a combination of both. The security options used for this type of data are broadly referred to as data at rest protection (DARP).[2]

Figure 1: The 3 states of data.

Data at rest is used as a complement to the terms data in use and data in transit which together define the three states of digital data (see Figure 1).[3]

  1. ^ Pickell, Devin. "Structured vs Unstructured Data – What's the Difference?". Retrieved 2020-11-17.
  2. ^ "Webopedia:Data at Rest". 8 June 2007.
  3. ^ "Data Loss Prevention | Norton Internet Security". 2011-03-12. Retrieved 2012-12-26.