Delo Group

Delo» Group of Companies
Native name
«Delo» Group of Companies
Company typeLogistics
FoundersSergey Shishkarev
Key people
Sergey Shishkarev (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
SubsidiariesDeloPorts (NUTEP, KSK, Delo service operator), Global Ports, TransContainer, Ruscon, DeloTech.

"Delo" Group of Companies is the most extensive transport and logistics holding in Russia. It operates maritime container and deep-water grain terminals in the Sea of Azov and Black Sea, Baltic and Far Eastern basins. Additionally, it has a network of railway container terminals and a fleet of containers and well cars. The leading company of the Group is LLC UK Delo.

The stevedoring business consists of DeloPorts and Global Ports. The transport and logistics branch includes the multimodal service integrator Ruscon and the railway container operator TransContainer. One of the most significant shipping companies in Russia. The strategic IT integrator of the Delo Group is the company DeloTech.