Derry O'Sullivan

Derry O'Sullivan
Portrait of Derry O`Sullivan by Reginald Gray, Paris, 2002
Portrait of Derry O`Sullivan by Reginald Gray, Paris, 2002
BornBantry, County Cork, Ireland
OccupationPoet, professor
LanguageIrish, French, English

Derry O'Sullivan is an Irish poet living in Paris, France. He was born in 1944 in Bantry, County Cork, Ireland.

His poetry collections in the Irish language are: "Cá bhfuil do Iudás?" (Dublin, Coiscéim, 1987) - winner of four Oireachtas Literary prizes and the Seán Ó Ríordáin Memorial Prize; "Cá bhfuil Tiarna Talún l’Univers?" (Dublin, Coiscéim, 1994); "An Lá go dTáinig Siad" (Dublin, Coiscéim, 2005), a long poem about the Nazi occupation of Paris, and "An bhfuil cead agam dul amach, más é do thoil é?" (Dublin, Coiscéim, 2009). He has participated in literary festivals in Ireland, France, the US and Canada and his work has been published in numerous literary reviews and anthologies.