Diamond (game)

White to play has only one winning move.[1]
Solution: 1. e3-e4!
White cannot stop Black from occupying points b5 and c6, completing a square in two moves, so White must play 1.e3-e4! forcing 1...f3-f4. Then White must play 2.g3-f3 forcing 2...f4-e3. Then White wins with 3.f3-f4 or 3.g4-f4.

Diamond is a two-player abstract strategy board game invented by Larry Back. The invention was inspired by the game Kensington, which uses a similar board pattern and game objective. Rules for Diamond were conceived in 1985 and finalized in 1994. Diamond introduces a new board geometry and neutral pieces, with the aim of enhancing the game dynamic and lowering the potential for draws.

Diamond was featured in the February 2013 issue of Games magazine.

  1. ^ Back (2013), p. 65.